Achieving the Paris Climate Goals and thus growing the economy, Experts' Climate Coffee Break (6 December 2018), Climate Change Center Austria, Accelerating the Transformation to Carbon Neutrality, Perspectives on Technology, Economy and Agriculture, Katowice Climate Change Conference (COP24), 2-14 December 2018, with Mark Sommer, Kurt Kratena (CESAR).
Macht Recycling Sinn - Eine Analyse aus volkswirtschaftlicher Sicht, Recy & DepoTech 2018, 7.-9. November 2018 in Leoben, Österreich, with Mark Sommer.
Volkswirtschaftliche Effekte durch Recycling ausgewählter Altstoffe und Abfälle, Berliner Recycling-und Rohstoffkonferenz, 19. und 20. März 2018, Berlin, with Mark Sommer, Kurt Kratena.
CO2emissions reduction by reaping energy efficiency potentials in industry and hoursholds, GCET, Global Conference on Environmental Taxation, Tucson, Arizona, September 28-29, 2017, with Mark Sommer, Kurt Kratena, Mathias Kirchner
Recycling of Steel, Aluminium, Paper and Glass and their energy-economic scope, SustEcon Conference, Berlin, September 25-26, 2017, with Mark Sommer
The energy-economic impacts of recycling in Austria, ESEE 2017 (European Society of Ecological Economics), Budapest, June 20-23, 2017, with Mark Sommer
Die Bedeutung sozio-ökonomischer Daten und Szenarien für das klimasensitive Risikomanagement auf der lokalen Ebene, Universität Bern, Oeschger Centre, Mobiliar Lab für Naturrisiken, Tagung: Risikobasiertes Naturgefahren-Management - Bedeutung und Grenzen ökonomischer Daten, 12.-13. September 2016, Bern, with Michiko Hama
Participatory Approach to Long-Term Socioeconomic Scenarios as Building Block of a Local Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Tool- The Case Study Lienz (East-Tyrol), EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, 22 April, Session NH9.6 – Resilience and vulnerability assessments in natural hazards and risk analysis, with Michiko Hama, Brigitte Eder, Markus Leitner and others.
Lokale Gründe zur Besorgnis ('Reasons for Concern') - ein prozessorientierter Ansatz für ein klimasensitives Risikomanagment, Understanding Risk Austria, Vienna, January 20-21 2016, with Michiko Hama, Ivonne Anders, Andreas Baumgarten, helene Berthold, Paul Dobesberger, Brigitte Eder, Astrid Felderer, Oliver Fritz, Robert Jandl, markus Keuschnig, Stefan Kienberger, Markus Leitner, Ziga Malek, Reinhard Mechler, Ivo Offenthaler, Andreas Schaffhauser, Franz Sinabell, Raphael Spiekermann.
Participatory Socioeconomic Scenario Development as Building Block of a Local Risk Management Tool to Climate Change - an Alpine Test-Site in the East-Tyrol, Austria, Our Common Future Under Climate Change, with Brigitte Eder, Michiko Hama and Markus Leitner, Unesco, UPMC, Paris, 7-10 July 2015.
Einblicke in die umweltrelevante Wirtschaftsforschung am WIFO, Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema "Wirtschaft ohne Wachstum als Weltretterin? Degrowth/Postwachstumskonzepte im Vergleich", Veranstaltungsreihe UtopIE & Praxis, Basisgruppe Internationale Entwicklung, Uni Wien, 2. Juni 2015, WUK, Wien.
Long term Climate Mitigation and Energy Use in Austria – The Impacts of Carbon and Energy Prices, Global Conference on Environmental Taxation - GCET 2014: Environmental taxation and emissions trading in an era of climate change, with Kurt Kratena and Mark Wolfgang Sommer, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 24-26, 2014
Rethinking the Costs of Inaction - The Case for an Ecosystem Service and a Constrained Discounting Approach, ISEE 2014: Wellbeing and Equity within Planetary Boundaries, University of Iceland, Reykjavic, August 13-15, 2014
Green Jobs: Some Remarks on the Concept, Expert Panel and Workshop: Innovation, Industrial and Innovation Policy as Drivers of Change, Center for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, March 15, 2013.
Economic assessment of climate response measures in transportation: quantifying the impacts of an increased market diffusion of electric cars in Austria, Workshop “Electrification of the car: will the momentum last?” Delft University of Technology, OTB Research Institute for the Built Environment, November 29, 2012, with Stefan Schönfelder and Gerhard Streicher.
Economic assessment of climate response measures in transportation: quantifying the impacts of an increased market diffusion of electric cars in Austria, Workshop “Future mobility, Theoretical, empirical and political aspects of the first stage of electric mobility evolution” at the Technical University of Bremen, November 30, 2012, with Stefan Schönfelder and Gerhard Streicher.
Kosten-Nutzen-Rechnungen des Klimaschutzes, Tagung Verkehr und Klimaschutz: Herausforderungen und Konzepte, Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Österreichische Forschungsgesellschaft Straße, Schiene, Verkehr, Wien, 18. Januar 2012.
Scenarios for regional passenger car use and their CO2 emissions - the potential of technological innovations, International Energy Workshop, IEW 2011, Stanford University, July 6-8, 2011, with Serguei Kaniovski and Jürgen Scheffran.
CO2 emissions embodied in international trade, an Austrian case study, Esther Boserup Conference 2010, 15-17 November 2010, Vienna, with Kurt Kratena.
The potential of technological innovations for CO2 emissions mitigation in global passenger car use, International Energy Workshop, June 21-23, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden, with Jürgen Scheffran, available as paper version.
The Role of Technological and Lifestyle Changes vs. Carbon Taxes in determining the Energy Demand of Households, 10th Global Conference on Enrionmental Taxation (GCET), Lisbon, September 23-25, 2009, with Kurt Kratena and Michael Wüger.
Passenger Car Use and Climate Change: Quantifying the impacts of technological innovations needed for substantial CO2 emission reductions, IHDP OM 2009, Bonn, 28 April 2009, with Jürgen Scheffran.
Wachstum, Technologie und Nachhaltigkeit, Zur Entwicklung der Nachfrage und Effizienz im österreichischen Energiesektor, Impulsreferat zur Abschlußveranstaltung "Welches Wachstum ist nachhaltig", organisiert von SERI und KARUNA Consult in Wien, 09.09.2008 [engl: Growth, Technology and Sustainability, The development of efficiency and consumption in the Austrian energy sector, invited key note to the final workshop "Which Growth is Sustainable", organised by SERI and KARUNA Consult, Vienna, Austria, October 9, 2008].
The Austrian Biomas Action Plan, An Economic Assessment of Impacts and Trade-Offs, envietech 2008, 31.1-1.2.2008/Vienna/Austria, International Congress and Exhibition, Environmental Technology & Renewable Energy, posterpresentation, with Kurt Kratena and Franz Sinabell.
The Austrian Biomass Action Plan, Assessing Economic Impacts and Trade-offs, Central European Biomass Conference 2008, 16-19 January, Graz, Austria, posterpresentation, with Franz Sinabell.
Global Car Demand and Climate Change: A Regionalized Analysis into Growth Patterns of Vehicle Fleets, CO2 Emissions, and Abatement Strategies, Transport – The Next 50 Years Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 25-27 July 2007, with Marian Leimbach [pdf].
Growth Patterns of Passenger Car Demand, Related Fuel Consumption and Associated CO2 Emissions – A Global Regionalized Analysis with an Asian Emphasis, ESSP Open Science Conference, Beijing, China, 11 November 2006, with Marian Leimbach.
International Consumption Patterns and Climate Change – A Socioeconomic Analysis of Private Car Demand and Associated CO2 Emissions, IGES, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, 19 January 2006, Kanagawa, Japan, invited presentation.
Conference Contributions
Co-Creation of socio-economic scenarios as buildung block of a local risk management tool to climate change - The case ctudy city Lienz in the East-Tyrol, Austria, European Society of Ecological Economics, ESEE 2017, Budapest 20-23, 2017, with Robert Jandl (presentation), Brigitte Eder, Michiko Hama, Markus Leitner
Recycling and its energy-economic impacts in Austria, 10. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, IEWT, Vienna 15-17, 2017, with Mark Sommer (presentation)
Recycling and its energy-economic impacts in Austria, 17th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation (GCET), 22 - 23 September 2016, Groningen, with Mark Sommer (presentation)
Downscaling the "Reasons for Concern" to the Local Government Level as a Prerequisite for Tailored Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction - A Case Study from Austria, Our Common Future Under Climate Change, UNESCO, UPMC, 7-10 July 2015, Paris, with Michiko Hama (presentation) et al.
Downscaling IPCC's Global Reasons for concern to Build Resilience at the Local Level via Climate Sensitive Risk Management - Insights from the ARISE Project, ECCA, European Climate Change Adaptation conference, 12-14 May 2015, Copenhagen, with Michiko Hama (presentation) et al.
Long term Climate Mitigation and Energy Use in Austria – The impacts of carbon and energy prices, International Energy Workshop, Beijing, 4-6 June 2014, with Kurt Kratena and Mark Wolfgang Sommer (presentation)
The Impact of Technological and Socio-Demographic Change on the Energy Demand of Households, International Energy Workshop, Venice, 17-19 June 2009, with Kurt Kratena (presentation) and Michael Wüger
Modeling the energy demand of households in a combined top down/bottom up approach, International Conference on Policy Modeling (EcoMod) Berlin, Germany, July 2-4, 2008, with Kurt Kratena (presentation) and Michael Wüger